SNAP*Shot: Pronghorn

The Pronghorn is a one-of-a-kind ungulate (hoofed animal). They are found only in interior western and central North America with no close relative anywhere in the world. A true native American and the only remaining member of the Antilocapridae family, all others being extinct.


Pronghorn are often called Pronghorn Antelope but are not antelopes and are not related to them. True antelope are found only in Africa and southeast Asia. The term “antelope” seems to have originated with the Lewis and Clark expeditions in their written descriptions of the animal.

Although Cheetahs can sprint faster, for sustained speeds no animal in the world is faster than the pronghorn. They can run at speeds up to 60 mph for minutes at a time and are also marathon runners, able to maintain speeds of 40 mph for miles.

The females may have small horns, but many times only a bump. The males, however, can have horns 10 to 12 inches long that point back toward their rump.  At the front of the horn is a prong pointing forward, giving them their name pronghorn.

Their horns are unique not only for being pronged, but also because they are a cross between antlers and horns with qualities of both. True antlers are made of bone and true horns are made of compressed keratin (a protein that hair, nails, skin, and horns are made of) that grows from a bony core and is never shed. The horns of a pronghorn, however, have a keratin sheath that sheds annually. This fellow should begin growing his new sheaths very soon.


Pronghorn are smallish, standing about 3 feet tall at the shoulder, 4-1/2 feet long, and weighing between 70 and 140 pounds. It is common for females to have twins in late May/June. Newborns can take their first steps 30 minutes after birth. By four days old they can outrun any human and at one week they can outrun most predators.

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What do I love best about these amazing animals? Their large, beautiful eyes and those killer eyelashes. Our wonderfully unique Pronghorn.

4 thoughts on “SNAP*Shot: Pronghorn

  1. Kathleen Betters says:

    Really enjoyed learning more about the Pronghorn Antelope. Very interesting! Beautiful pictures, as always. My favorite is the third picture. And luv the piece of grass/weed in his jaw! Thank you for sharing.

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