It is such a joy that so many birds are in Yellowstone by May’s end. Oh the songbirds, the ducks, the swans, the grebes, and more. So come along on our bird adventure. Wow, look, a Mountain Bluebird in full mating colors!

It is such a joy that so many birds are in Yellowstone by May’s end. Oh the songbirds, the ducks, the swans, the grebes, and more. So come along on our bird adventure. Wow, look, a Mountain Bluebird in full mating colors!
May is the month for red dogs–baby bison. They earned the name because they are born a red-orange tan color with an average weight of 40 pounds. They hop around and play as puppies so the name fits. Babies stay red about two months then begin turning brown as the rest of the herd. They are so cute.
Yellowstone’s waterfalls are gorgeous and rivers are flowing full. It is so good to be back! May in Yellowstone is the time for bison babies, returning birds, ducks/grebes/swans returning and migrating through, bears coming out of hibernation, and springtime flowers. Coming back feels like returning home. Come on along as we explore the rivers and waterfalls around the park.
Here we are, 7:30am at Mammoth Hot Springs to catch our snowcoach to Wonderland, driving to Old Faithful for a two-night stay. This winter started with warm temperatures, little snow, yet overcast skies with little sun. Then came February! Lots of snow, temperatures from -30 degrees to slightly above zero, and no sun. Unlikely we will see sun today, but you never know. We are heading to Old Faithful via the long route. From Mammoth to Canyon, along Yellowstone Lake to West Thumb, and over Craig’s Pass arriving at Old Faithful about 4pm.