SNAP*Shot: Atlatl Rock

Near the western entrance of Valley of Fire State Park we find dark red Aztec sandstone. In the red rock nooks and crannies campsites are available and at this outcropping’s northern end is Atlatl Rock. Home to petroglyphs about 4,000 years old carved by unknown ancient tribes. Yes, these peoples lived sometime around 2,000 B.C. and we can only imagine their thoughts through their art. Let’s go!

Come on, this is amazing.

SNAP*Shot: Mountain Bluebirds

Hello friend! It was a wonderful trip spending time with Sandhill Cranes this March. However, there was another site I know you’ll enjoy as much as I did. What a surprise to spend time with a flock of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). You cannot miss them hunting in the grasses. They clearly do not blend in.

Look over there!

Who’s Watching Who: Cordilleran Flycatcher

For the last few years we have been hearing Cordilleran Flycatchers in the garden were we enjoy Friday-morning coffee after a hike in Garden of the Gods. Trouble is they are so small, SO fast, and rarely stay in one place for long, making picture taking tough. Suddenly a youngster seemed interested in people and we started to wonder, who’s watching who?

This is so fun, come on along . . .

Birds Galore–Yellowstone 2022 Part 3

It is such a joy that so many birds are in Yellowstone by May’s end. Oh the songbirds, the ducks, the swans, the grebes, and more. So come along on our bird adventure. Wow, look, a Mountain Bluebird in full mating colors!

Mountain Bluebird, male
Oh look, his lady . . .