It is such a joy that so many birds are in Yellowstone by May’s end. Oh the songbirds, the ducks, the swans, the grebes, and more. So come along on our bird adventure. Wow, look, a Mountain Bluebird in full mating colors!

It is such a joy that so many birds are in Yellowstone by May’s end. Oh the songbirds, the ducks, the swans, the grebes, and more. So come along on our bird adventure. Wow, look, a Mountain Bluebird in full mating colors!
May is the month for red dogs–baby bison. They earned the name because they are born a red-orange tan color with an average weight of 40 pounds. They hop around and play as puppies so the name fits. Babies stay red about two months then begin turning brown as the rest of the herd. They are so cute.
Each Mother’s Day we head to Yellowstone to spend time with Harlequin Ducks. It is an overcast day, but no rain so all is well. These amazing diving ducks grace us by breeding in wild LeHardy Rapids of the Yellowstone River, one of only a few places they visit in the lower 48 states. We have talked of them before, so let’s just enjoy our time with them.
We have walked Mammoth’s Upper Terraces a few times, most recently about six weeks ago. The Upper Terraces is one of my favorite places. The rapid change of the hot springs and travertine formations they create, the peaceful nature of Upper Terraces Drive, and the views! However, I realized we have never walked the Lower Terraces. It is 6:30am and the sun has yet to rise above Mount Everts. Let’s enjoy the reawakening of Mound Spring in the cool of the morning and explore the ever-changing nature of Mammoth’s travertine terraces. It was only about four years ago that this spring came back to life reawakening beautiful Mound Terrace.