Ride~About: Autumn Color Along Tarryall Road

About an hour from home and 3,000 feet higher, is Tarryall Road which takes us to Tarryall Reservoir. I’ve wanted to travel this quiet back road for some time, but what better time than when autumn color is at peak! This is a new trip for us both. Let’s go.

It gets more and more beautiful . . .

WILDFLOWERS! Beautiful Dumont Lake

Steamboat Springs, a location I’ve yet to see, was the plan for celebrating this year’s birthday. Luckily, a friend suggested a stop along the way. About 22 miles southeast of Steamboat is a side road off US-40 (Rabbit Ears Pass) to Dumont Lake. It’s just a short drive to the lake; let’s go! I’m sure the alpine lake is lovely and we could possibly see wildflowers. POSSIBLY??!! We could not have scripted a wildflower hike this beautiful!

You don’t want to miss this!

Fish Creek Falls in Steamboat Springs

Steamboat Springs, Ski Town USA, is best known for their winter sports and producing more Winter Olympic athletes than any place in North America. So why go to Steamboat in the summer? Number one, I don’t ski, but mostly because of the waterfalls and wildflowers! Now that’s what I love! Today we are heading to Fish Creek Falls, less than four miles from downtown Steamboat where we are staying. The trails and services are maintained by the US Forest Service in Routt National Forest and they have done a wonderful job.

Let’s go see . . .

SNAP*Shot: Mountain Bluebirds

Hello friend! It was a wonderful trip spending time with Sandhill Cranes this March. However, there was another site I know you’ll enjoy as much as I did. What a surprise to spend time with a flock of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). You cannot miss them hunting in the grasses. They clearly do not blend in.

Look over there!