Pelicans and Cormorant–Trouble Makers Everywhere

What a surprise–American White Pelicans! Walking to a favorite local lake to see the waterfowl passing along our bird migration flyway. This was an unexpected delight. One of the largest birds in North America, it has a wing span of 9 to 10 feet, only outdone by the California Condor, endangered but making a comeback.

Wait, something’s up . . . come along

Exploring Beautiful Red Rock Canyon

The wonderful thing about getting out for a hike at 6:40am is the golden morning light. It may make some red rocks appear gold, but that only adds to the beauty. Come along for a 3.5 mile hike in Red Rock Canyon Open Space where we will walk through canyons, along fins, and into the scrub oak and pine forest seeing the sights along the way.

Onward to Contemplation Trail . . . .

Paint Mines in the Prairie

I have not spent time exploring prairies, but occasionally drove through them in WY and MT. With nonexistent experience and naiveté, I believed prairies were flat and boring. I have a lot to learn! Living on the Front Range of the Rockies offers many opportunities for a short drive East to explore Colorado’s contribution to the Great Plains. Today we will explore Paint Mines Interpretive Park, a unique walk through history exploring both prairie and badlands. Amazingly vibrant geological wonders await, so let’s go!

You are going to love this!