Here’s a secret. The best time to travel is the first 16 days in December. Most people are home starting the crazed Christmas shopping and planning season. So I’m flying out to see my brother and sister-in-law who live near Myrtle Beach. Come on along!

Yes, we are here for sunset. I couldn’t believe the color of the water but was assured that sunset does this. A beautiful baby blue ocean!
How did I get this perspective? See if you can guess.

The sky is not really cooperating for a stunning sunset, but the colors are awesome. I’m rather high in the sky.

A bit lower . . .

Last chance, there goes the sun.
Maybe this will help discover my method.

Can you tell my “secret” to getting high in the sky? Window reflections can be art all on their own.

Sitting in a glass-enclosed gondola, soaring 200 feet above ground level, we slowly circle three times around seeing in every direction from the Sky Wheel. If you are like me (heights and I don’t work well together), you sit with your back to the steep drop. Regardless, what a view! AND, what fun!
Lovely light show with our crescent moon at left and bright Venus to the right.

Merry Christmas my friend!
Merry Christmas Joy