Hello my friends! Time to catch you up on my life because you are in for new adventures in my new home state–Colorado.
Colorado is home to 58 mountains over 14,000 feet; 300 days of sun a year; 4 National Parks; 26 ski resorts with wonderful summer activities (I’m not a downhill skier); 8 National Monuments; 11 National Forests; 42 National Wilderness Areas; 8 National Wildlife Refuges; 28 National Recreation Trails; 26 Scenic Byways, 11 of which are America’s Byways; 41 State Parks; The Stanley Hotel, inspiration for the haunted hotel in Steven King’s The Shining; and so much more. We have lots to look forward to, so let’s get settled and start planning.

The drive from Bozeman is about 770 miles to my new home on the Rocky Mountain Front in Colorado Springs. Although long, the drive is straightforward–I-90 across Montana then I-25 south through Wyoming into Colorado. Driving a U-Haul towing a trailer for my SUV made the trip more challenging with one caveat–NEVER have to back up. Because of careful planning, I didn’t expect to have that issue.
I left Bozeman at 3pm on Sunday, 9/15, for a 274 mile drive to Sheridan, WY and expected to arrive at the hotel around sunset. The truck is said to get a whopping 8mpg, hoping I can do better. Even with the 40 gallon tank, 8mpg demands you know where gas stations are located along the route. No fears, I have a gas station list.

Pulling into the Sheridan hotel parking lot to drive around the building and park for an easy exit the next morning, I knew quickly I was in trouble. Turning the first corner to head around the building the area got narrow and there was no road around the building. All the careful planning and my nightmare just came true! Now what?
I’ve towed camping trailers in the past so can back up a trailer, but now I have a 15+ foot truck with an even longer trailer behind. Needed a different skill set. I could not negotiate the narrow drive or guesstimate the turning ratio. One couple in the parking area were trying to direct me. It was totally dark now, I’m working on this for 20 minutes no closer to success–no those aren’t tears on my cheeks–you must be mistaken.
Then a very cool, very loud hot rod drove in. An older couple got out, the gentleman walked down to me with a massive big smile and said, “Do you need some help?” Duh . . . Well, I spoke with his wife, thanked her profusely, and she said they own a 40 foot RV that tows their car. Her husband is a back-up wizard. Took him about five minutes to back it up, drive down the road to where semi-trucks park, back up my unit into one of those spaces, and all he would take is a big smile and THANK YOU! What a blessing he was. Now I just want to eat my almond butter sandwich and go to sleep!
The next morning I headed out about 8am–was able to pull straight out of that spot he had parked in, and I thanked him again in a prayer. Today the goal is Wellington, CO, a 6-7 hour trip. There is something inviting about the prairies of WY. Lovely landscapes that grow on you.

With the truck struggling up hills at 40mph, I began to realize flatness was an illusion of this prairie landscape. Rolling hills, mountains to the west, and golden autumn prairies. Welcome to eastern WY.

Today’s challenge is getting through the never-ending rush hour type traffic known as I-25 Denver. Of all the other routes I had tried on other trips south, staying on the Interstate seemed the best idea with this big truck rig. I’ll get in the slow lane and have a little extra space on the shoulder if needed. All will be fine.
Surprise! Very quickly as you hit the city limits–and it is a huge city–the right lane becomes the middle lane with two lanes left with semis, assorted trucks, and cars trying to avoid us all. The two right lanes are exit only or exit optional with zig-zagging cars trying to get wherever faster. OK, just concentrate, stay centered in the middle lane, and stay calm. The trailer tows very well behind the truck. I can see its edges and even in turns it follows closely–all is well.
Negotiating Denver quite well, my back and shoulders were still pretty relaxed, I thought the worst was behind me. HAAA. I-25, along about 30 miles, is being completely dug up and rebuilt with expected completion in 2022. Heading south there are two lanes. The left lane hugs concrete barriers–NOPE. The right lane is an added lane with bumps, ruts, holes that at times seemed to push me toward the other lane. I can forget about staying relaxed, I have not been this tense in years and I’m only doing 40mph! Note to self: need to find a chiropractor ASAP. Second note to self: don’t move again.
Arriving in Colorado Springs, happily there were no dents, scrapes, or damage to the truck, trailer, SUV, or the belongings in either of them. Whew! I also did better on gas mileage than expected, averaging 8.5mpg. OK, OK that is still lame.
As a priority, yes, I found a good chiropractor. Right now most all boxes are unpacked, pictures are hung, I am getting settled and beginning to explore the many parks and sights in and around Colorado Springs. Now to see if what everyone says about snow is true. Yes, we get snow. Yes, it disappears the next day, but it stays in the mountains meaning snowshoeing and x-country skiing is only 30 minutes away. I am so excited!
I’m loving my new apartment with wide-open views east, and it really is sunny every day. Much of the Springs sits around 6,000 ft elevation, my home is at 6,400 giving me a nice view of the city and downtown to the right. Tallest building is 12 stories. Loving it! Early morning visitors on the property across the street.

So my friend, new adventures are coming. I hope to share with you more often than last year when challenging situations and decisions took priority. But now the future is wide open to explore a totally new part of the country, one I’ve never visited before. I hope you will join me to explore and learn about the beauty of Colorful Colorado.
See you soon!