Going-to-the-Sun Road–Eastern Travelogue

After breakfast, with a great mountain view at St. Mary Lodge, it is time to head to Logan Pass for a short hike to Hidden Lake. It is 8am and looks a bit cloudy, but we’ll hope for the best as we drive just over 18 miles up Going-to-the-Sun Road from the eastern side of Glacier National Park. We’ll be climbing over 2,100 feet and the views will be gorgeous!

Mile 2.2–Singleshot Mountain rises above Two Dog Flats, where the prairie meets the mountains offering a rich and diverse ecosystem.

Two Dog Flats


Early Spring at Trout Lake

Early spring in the Rocky Mountains is a roller coaster ride–nights below freezing then days in the 70’s followed by days in the 40’s. We start with a beautiful sunrise followed by rain, sleet, hail, then snow before we again watch the sun as it sets. A time when winter will not give up its grip but summer will not be denied. Snow is receding and green is winning the day, so let’s head to Trout Lake in the Northern Range of Yellowstone and search for signs that summer is on the way.

Trail to lake

Up to the lake we go . . .