Hi there and welcome back. Hope you are well and staying sane during these very different days. All my 2020 trips have been canceled which has lead to reimagining life with the coronavirus and reflecting on what is truly important. Are you having similar thoughts?
For the last years I’ve been sharing the “big stuff”. Bison, wolves, Pronghorn antelope, Bighorn sheep, Sandhill Cranes, Harlequin Ducks, Yellowstone, Glacier, and amazing landscapes in the East, West, and all along the way. Slide down the right column to view past adventures–relax, smile, and enjoy.
For now, however, it is time to explore the close by. Beautiful county park’s trails, although closed visitor centers. Amazing city parks and open spaces plus close-by state parks. Taking the time to enjoy the often-overlooked close-by places and abundant small wonders they hold.
Come along and enjoy our amazing natural world as we explore Fountain Creek Nature Center and surrounds late winter into early spring this year. Many birds migrate through, some stay to have young, others make it their year-round home along with many plants and small mammals. Remember my friend, to really enjoy the great outdoors you MUST slow down and look around. Never know, you may find “friends” in other forms along the way.