Ride~About: Badwater Basin–Oh, So Low!

Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America, is a 45-minute drive from our lodging in Death Valley. The scenery along the way can take your breath away. It is very overcast with the possibility of rain but that won’t slow us down. Two miles from our lodging at Stovepipe Wells Village, with the sun peaking through between the mountain tops and the clouds, we see the Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes. This is only the beginning, so come on along!

Let’s Go!

Great Sand Dunes National Park: Peaks of Sand and Granite

The high, rugged Sangre de Christo Mountains are the backdrop for Great Sand Dune National Park, 30-square miles of sand dunes reaching over 740 feet. They are the tallest dunes in North American with an amazingly diverse habitat. It is an ongoing story of wind, water, and sand. There are no designated trails on the dunes, you can walk anywhere you want–I dare you! Come along to visit the grand peaks of sand and granite!

Beauty at sunrise
What a landscape! Click and go . . .